Yulia Rafailova

Aug 21, 2021

Dr. Joseph Lee: Normalizing a Culture of Help

I just watched Dr. Joseph Lee's talk inside the Executive Function Online Summit and it was so packed with insights and take-aways, I could not help but grab a journal and start taking notes.

Dr. Lee did an amazing job of explaining the brain science of change. How, through routine practice, our brain is able to build the neural networks that fire off in a chain to make once-difficult tasks more effortless.

And how our goal in developing executive functioning systems should not just to be get things done, but to do them well - with higher and higher levels of competency.

Dr. Lee describes the universal process of how learning and change happens at an individual level, but he emphasizes the need for collaboration and collective effort in order to make that individual change possible.

A major take-away from his talk is the need for lifelong collaboration and a culture that normalizes asking for and receiving help - not just for struggling students, but for ALL of us.

Lastly, Dr. Lee describes the struggles that neurodiverse individuals face in THIS MOMENT in time, in a culture which is not designed to support their unique developmental needs and challenges.

To put this into perspective, he compares our modern culture to that of ancient humans who co-evolved in small groups of 100 or so hunters and gatherers. They needed a diversity of brains for optimal survival.

In this group, 90% of individuals were wired for more conscientiousness, self-discipline, routine and competence across a wide range of subjects. And 10% were wired to be the independent thinkers, deeply thoughtful, more creative and competent in a more unique skillset. It was this combination of stability and divergence that early humans needed to flourish.

This is so foundational to understanding WHY we have such a large percentage of people who struggle like hell to meet the "normal" expectations placed on individuals in our society. Or who feel that there's something wrong with them; like they "should" be able to do things "on their own."

In response to that, I'd like to quote Brené Brown, "We don't have to do all of it alone. We were never meant to."


In service,

Yulia Rafailova
Executive Function Coach

PS. It's not too late to dive into Day 1 of TEFOS. Click here to register for instant access or get your All Access Pass here so you can come back to it anytime.