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4 Reasons NOT to Hire Me [VLOG]

Yulia Rafailova

Dear Parents,

In this week's Vlog, I share four reasons why you should NOT hire me as a coach.

Each reason is based in a common misconception or limiting belief that would hold us back from making meaningful progress toward your goals.

Here are the four reasons below (I go into them more in depth in my video):

Don't hire me if...

  1. You want me to "fix" you child or "fix your spouse.

  2. You are not willing to hear the truth.

  3. You are not ready to take action toward your goals.

  4. You want to play the blame game.

I share these reasons because when we can shine a bright light on the obstacles that are holding us back, we can examine them, learn from them, and evolve.

See you in the video,


P.S., If you want to work with me, click HERE and read through to the bottom to find my contact link.

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