Parents and teachers,
So many of you are stuck trying to "manage" challenging behaviors when the real solution requires you to get ahead of the behavior.
What do I mean by that?
Behavior is NOT random. Your child's behavior serves a purpose. And, your child's behavior is constantly communicating their needs in any given moment.
As a caregiver, it is up to you to decode the behavior so that you can effectively respond to a child's needs AND teach them how to communicate their needs in more effective ways.
In this week's Vlog, I challenge some of your most stubborn beliefs about your child's behavior that are keeping you stuck in the chaos.
I also talk about Dayna Abraham's brand new FREE Quiz that helps parents and professionals decode a child's Dominant Behavior Style and learn exactly how to respond in the moment to strengthen your relationship.
If you don't already know (and love) Dayna, she is a homeschool mom of three; the best-selling author of Sensory Processing 101 and The Superkids Activity Guide; and creator of the Calm the Chaos framework for parents of outside-the-box-kids.
So, If you find yourself stuck trying to fix problematic behavior in the moment, every single time it happens (AKA burning yourself out!), then you will absolutely love Dayna's customized behavior assessment and video. You'll get instant access to both once you complete the quiz.
In service,
P.S. On March 12th, Dayna will be sharing the 4 most important things you need to know to transform your child’s struggles and make parenting easy again, no matter what behaviors you are currently dealing with! I highly encourage you to Click HERE to register.